Tree traversal refers to the process of visiting each node in a tree data structure in a systematic way. The postorder
traversal in the following image
returns A, C, E, D, B, H, I, G, F (left, right, root)
. The Prolog code for PREORDER
traversal is
preorder(tree(X,L,R),Xs) :-
I would like to modify the above code to implement postorder traversal.
In case of a postorder you have to traverse the left branch and get a list of node values Left
, then traverse the right branch and get a list of node values Right
, and finally return the concatenation of Left, Right and the node value
Therefore, to modify your code would be to rearrange the way in which you instantiate the resulting list:
postorder(tree(X, L, R), Xs):-
postorder(L, Ls),
postorder(R, Rs),
append(Ls, Rs, Xs1),
append(Xs1, [X], Xs).
postorder(void, []).
Note however, that this code is suboptimal in the sense that it is not tail recursive. You should consider implementing it with the aid of an accumulator.