I have two tables like this:
[tblFacilityHrs] id uid title description
[tblFacilityHrsDateTimes] id owner_uid startEventDate endEventDate startTime endTime days recurrence finalDate
They are in a one-to-many relationship by way of UID:
I want to join the tables so that I only get the ID value from tblFacilityHrsDateTimes (so that when I edit the tables the first table tblFacilityHrs gets edited by UID and tblFacilityHrsDateTimes gets edited by ID).
How can I join the tables so they can be edited in this manner?
Something like this:
if (isset($_GET['uid']) ) {
$uid = (int) $_GET['uid'];
$id = (int) $_GET['id'];
if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
foreach($_POST AS $key => $value) { $_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value); }
//Query for tblFacilityHrs
$sql = "`title` = '{$_POST['title']}' , `description` = '{$_POST['description']}' WHERE `uid` = '$uid' ";
mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
//Query for tblFacilityHrsDateTimes
$sql2 = "`startEventDate` = '{$_POST['startEventDate']}' , `endEventDate` = '{$_POST['endEventDate']}' , `startTime` = '{$_POST['startTime']}', `endTime` = '{$_POST['endTime']}' , `days` = '{$_POST['days']}' , `recurrence` = '{$_POST['recurrence']} , `finalDate` = '{$_POST['finalDate']}' WHERE `id` = '$id' ";
mysql_query($sql2) or die(mysql_error());
echo (mysql_affected_rows()) ? "Edited row.<br />" : "Nothing changed. <br />";
echo "<a href='list.php'>Back</a>";
$row = mysql_fetch_array (mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tblFacilityHrs` WHERE `uid` = '$uid'"));
$row2 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tblFacilityHrsDateTimes` WHERE `id` = '$id'"));
In my head I imagine the tables joining like this (but it doesn't work):
$result = mysql_query("SELECT uid, title, description FROM tblFacilityHrs LEFT JOIN tblFacilityHrsDateTimes ON tblFacilityHrs.uid = tblFacilityHrsDateTimes.owner_uid ORDER BY tblFacilityHrs.description") or trigger_error(mysql_error());
(Upgrading to an answer)
You need to select the columns from tblFacilityHrsDateTimes
into your resultset:
SELECT uid, title, description, tblFacilityHrsDateTimes.*
FROM tblFacilityHrs
LEFT JOIN tblFacilityHrsDateTimes
ON tblFacilityHrs.uid = tblFacilityHrsDateTimes.owner_uid
ORDER BY tblFacilityHrs.description