I'm trying to develop a multiplayer game on Android..close to TIC TAC TOE game ( 2 player turn based game).I'm new to the whole multiplayer game development thing, so i would like to get some clarification on few thinkgs..
Do I need a cloud server ( e.g. servers like smartfoxserver,Photonserver) to handle a turn based game ?
For a simple game like the above one, should i have to use an open source SDK(like skiller) to make it multiplayer or should i have to write server & client programming myself?
Are there any open source SDK's available apart from skiller, (openfiet & scoreloop, based on my google search, i guess they don't support turn based game stuff on their SDK)
Thanks in advance..
Rather than purchasing expensive server solutions, incidentally, I would consider looking at CAAS providers such as Stackmob, Parse, Kinvey, etc. Or simply using AppEngine or the Amazon cloud.
If any good open-source SDK existed, it would obviously be an interesting option. However, I do not think one does (I would read carefully the Skiller license before starting to do anything with that library).
Not that I know of. AndEngine has a multiplayer component of some sort. MAGES was an early multiplayer framework that has since been discontinued.