A college of mine has set up a page with tt_news single, list and archive.
He has an archive list in a sidebar on all these pages and it lists the years from each news as it should.
I can click on each year and view the news from that year fine when logged in.
But when I log out the date is not changed. It stays at what date was first clicked when the "SHOW ARCHIVED" setting was set.
The url changes but the page doesn't...
I have:
tt_news v2.5.2
Typo3 v4.5.4
CoolURI v1.0.26
CoolUri conf: http://pastebin.com/9xTmVyPn
tt_news typoscript:
plugin.tt_news {
templateFile = fileadmin/templates/ext/blog.html
displayArchivedInLatest = 1
datetimeMinutesToArchive = 1
enableArchiveDate = 0
# page with archive list
archiveTypoLink.parameter = 286
# page with single view
singlePid = 285
# page with list view
backPid = 284
# page with db entries
pid_list = 35
displaySingle.date_stdWrap.strftime = %e:e %B %Y
displayList.date_stdWrap.strftime = %e:e %B %Y
pageBrowser {
tableParams >
summary {
wordWrap = 105 | ... | 1
imgMaxWidth = 600
Perhaps you have an caching issue? Just test it via www.example.com/your/url/?no_cache=1 If that works if you are not logged in, you have an caching issue.