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Relationship between NP-hard and undecidable problems

Am a bit confused about the relationship between undecidable problems and NP hard problems. Whether NP hard problems are a subset of undecidable problems, or are they just the same and equal, or is it that they are not comparable?

For me, I have been arguing with my friends that undecidable problems are a superset to the NP hard problems. There would exist some problems that are not in NP hard but are undecidable. But i am finding this argument to be weak and am confused a bit. Are there NP-complete problems that are undecidable.? is there any problem in NP hard which is decidable.??

Some discussion would be of great help! Thanks!


  • Undecidable = unsolvable for some inputs. No matter how much (finite) time you give your algorithm, it will always be wrong on some input.

    NP-hard ~= super-polynomial running time (assuming P != NP). That's hand-wavy, but basically NP-hard means it is at least as hard as the hardest problem in NP.

    There are certainly problems that are NP-hard which are not undecidable (= are decidable). Any NP-complete problem would be one of them, say SAT.

    Are there undecidable problems which are not NP-hard? I don't think so, but it isn't easy to rule it out - I don't see an obvious argument that there must be a reduction from SAT to all possible undecidable problems. There could be some weird undecidable problems which aren't very useful. But the standard undecidable problems (the halting problem, say) are NP-hard.