I'm trying to write a simple unit test that will verify that, under a certain condition, a class in my application will log an error via the standard logging API. I can't work out what the cleanest way to test this situation is.
I know that nose already captures logging output through it's logging plugin, but this seems to be intended as a reporting and debugging aid for failed tests.
The two ways to do this I can see are:
If I go for the former approach, I'd like to know what the cleanest way to reset the global state to what it was before I mocked out the logging module.
Looking forward to your hints and tips on this one...
I used to mock loggers, but in this situation I found best to use logging handlers, so I wrote this one based on the document suggested by jkp(now dead, but cached on Internet Archive)
class MockLoggingHandler(logging.Handler):
"""Mock logging handler to check for expected logs."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
logging.Handler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def emit(self, record):
def reset(self):
self.messages = {
'debug': [],
'info': [],
'warning': [],
'error': [],
'critical': [],