htmlspecialchars() appears to be translating special chars like the following: āķūņūķī into their respective entity number:
ā ķ ū ņ ū ķ ī
While some remain untranslated such as:
I would like htmlspecialchars()
(or some other function) to not translate these alphabetical type of characters... So that it only translates the following (as it seems to indicate on the manual):
The reason why I need this is because after a POST request, i am running this user input through htmlspecialchars()
before placing it back into a new set of html inputs. Characters such as &,",',<,>, need to be translated so to not cause display errors etc. But i need the special chars such as 'āķūņūķī' remain unchanged. Else the user will be very confused.
Set the third parameter as UTF-8
echo htmlentities('āķūņūķī', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
The default encoding for htmlspecialchars
is ISO-8859-1
Test case:
var_dump(htmlentities('āķūņūķī', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
string(84) "�ķū�ūķī"
string(14) "āķūņūķī"