I'm using Rails 3.0.9 version, and jquery. I've been using this gem without a database. It is used only for map display, and display KML file on it. For this I used:
<div id='ajax_map'>
<% @kmlurl="http://mysite/file1.kml" %>
<%= gmaps( :kml => { :data => "[{ url: #{@kmlurl.inspect}}]" } ) %>
All great shows.
I want to do that after you change the links (@ kmlurl), and click on the button, the map updated with this new KML file. I use a separate action js.erb with the following code:
$('#ajax_map').html('<%= @kmlurl="http://mysite/file2.kml" %>'+'<br />'+'<%= gmaps( :kml => { :data => "[{ url: #{@kmlurl.inspect}}]" } ) %>');
But he does not update the DIV. "js.erb" rendered normally, without using the method of gmaps () it normally returns @ kmlurl. I tested this same code in the ". Html.erb" in the tags , it loads a new file, but, of course, just when the page loads. How can I solve this problem?
Solved the problem as follows (in js.erb):
$('#ajax_map').html('<%= escape_javascript( gmaps({:last_map => false}) ) %>');
Gmaps.map = new Gmaps4RailsGoogle();
Gmaps.load_map = function() {
Gmaps.map.map_options.maxZoom = 15;
Gmaps.map.kml = [{ url: '<%= "#{@kmlurl}" %>'}];