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Is Logback Really Inside Play?

Working on an app using Akka 2 deployed with Play-mini. I pulled logback into the project and it works, but its config gets stomped so it was necessary to do a Joran configuration method and have that called at startup. Then I read that play had moved to logback so I rummaged around to see how to use the logger that's built into Play and figured it out, but as soon as I type:


it only supports:

debug(String message, Throwable error)
debug(String message)

The whole point of logback is the variable argument stuff so you don't have to dirty up your code with:

if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()){
     Logger.debug("my expensive message: " + largeObject.toString());

So I must be missing something. Docs are not great in this area either.

BTW, here is a thread about the config getting mussed.


  • Yes, Play is hard coded to use LogBack, and unless you specify, it takes over your log settings. Very annoying.

    Stop Play from butchering logback settings :