I've been working on some models with "backward" relationships. I started wondering... What if I want to filter some results?
I've got two models:
Model A:
Model B:
ForeignKey to Model A
To access model A I use: p = A.objects.all().order_by('-date')
and I pass that to template.
In template:
{% for n in model_a.all %}
{% for item in n.modelb_set.all %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
I get all backward related objects for model A and thats fine.
Now what if I want to filter some results from that query?
I was thinking of iteration in a View by:
p = A.objects.all().order_by('-date')
for n in p:
for x in n.modelb_set.filter(date_lte=""):
ls = []
How do I pass that to the template and get what I got earlier (unfiltered view) but now with filtered results?
The best way is to add a method to your model. It would be easier to illustrate with a real world model example, but the gist is:
class ModelA:
def filtered_modelb_set(self):
return self.modelb_set.filter(...)
Then, in your template, you just call that method instead:
{% for n in model_a.all %}
{% for item in n.filtered_modelb_set %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}