First-time post and python newb who has exhausted all other options. I am interested in appending selected raster properties (using the arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(input_raster, "property_type") function) to a comma-delimited table, but am having trouble figuring out how to do this for multiple results. As an abridged example (of my actual script), I have created two 'for' loops; one for each raster property I am interested in outputting (i.e. Cell Size X, Cell Size Y). My list of rasters include S01Clip_30m through S05Clip_30m. My goal is to create a .txt file that should look something like this:
RasterName, CellSizeX, CellSizeY
S01Clip_30m, 88.9372, 88.9375
S02Clip_30m, 88.9374, 88.9371
The code I have so far is below (with some uncertain, botched syntax at the bottom). When I run it, I get this result:
S05Clip_30m, 88.9374
(last raster in the list, CellSizeY)
I appreciate any help you can provide on the crucial bottom code block.
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = ('C:\\StudyAreas\\Aggregates.gdb')
InFolder = ('C:\\dre\\python\\tables')
OutputFile = open(InFolder + '\\' + 'RasterProps.txt', 'a')
rlist = arcpy.ListRasters('*','*')
for grid in rlist:
if grid[-8:] == "Clip_30m":
result = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(grid,'CELLSIZEX')
CellSizeX = result.getOutput(0)
for grid in rlist:
if grid[-8:] == "Clip_30m":
result = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(grid,'CELLSIZEY')
CellSizeY = result.getOutput(0)
> I know the syntax below is incorrect, but I know there are *some* elements that
> should be included based on other example scripts that I have...
> if result.getOutput(0) == CellSizeX:
> coltype = CellSizeX
> elif result.getOutput(0) == CellSizeY:
> coltype = CellSizeY
> r = ''.join(grid)
> colname = r[0:]
> OutputFile.writelines(colname+','+coltype+'\n')
After receiving help from another Q&A forum on my script, I am now providing the answer to my own GIS-related question to close this thread (and move to gis.stackexchange :) - thanks to L.Yip's comment). Here is the final corrected script which outputs my two raster properties (Cell Size in X-direction, Cell Size in Y-direction) for a list of rasters into a .txt file:
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = ('C:\\StudyAreas\\Aggregates.gdb')
InFolder = ('C:\\dre\\python\\tables')
OutputFile = open(InFolder + '\\' + 'RasterProps.txt', 'a')
rlist = arcpy.ListRasters('*','*')
for grid in rlist:
if grid[-8:] == "Clip_30m":
resultX = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(grid,'CELLSIZEX')
CellSizeX = resultX.getOutput(0)
resultY = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(grid,'CELLSIZEY')
CellSizeY = resultY.getOutput(0)
OutputFile.write(grid + ',' + str(CellSizeX) + ',' + str(CellSizeY) + '\n')
My results after running the script: