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Android change color of ImageView / Bitmap

I need to find a way to change the color of bitmap in Android. I need to replace/change colors of oval image smoothly in my application depending on int value. I need something like if myValue=5 than change my image's color to RED and if myValue=322 change color to BLUE. The only way which I find I can do this was using xml file which looks like this :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
android:shape="oval" android:padding="10dp">
<!-- you can use any color you want I used here gray color-->
 <solid android:color="#cccccc"/> 

and after that when myValue is changing to set my ImageView image resource. But in this way I have to create 35 different xml files...which I don't think is a good idea.

So anyone who can suggest better solution to do this?


  • This is how I solved this issue :

    1. Declare an ImageView with src="@drawable/button"
    2. Create a Drawable and set ColorFilter to it and after that use it as src to your declared ImageView like this :


    Drawable myIcon = getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.button );
    ColorFilter filter = new LightingColorFilter( Color.BLUE, Color.BLUE );