I am using Visual Studio 6.0 (VC++ with MFC) in Windows XP platform. I am trying to create a group box with the title of the group box as a check box. My intention is this: If the check box is enabled, the controls inside the group box should be enabled; or else disabled.
Is this possible to accomplish? If yes, please give me some directions.
There are a few things you can try, depending on how true you want to stay to your idea and how much work you are prepared to put into the effort:
Use a normal group box, and then inside this make the first item be the checkbox. This is simple to accomplish, but you lose the goal of having the checkbox as the title.
Use a normal group box, then in the space over where you know the title is to go, place your checkbox. You will have to perform some tricky calculation to get it to fit in nicely and draw well without flicker.
Use some form of superclass or subclass/subclass on the group box. You can override the WM_PAINT handler to draw in only the frame for the group box. Place a normal checkbox in the place where you know the title is to go. This should work better because you will have more control over the drawing, but it is likely to be tricky to get right. In my experience, subclassing is lower risk to implement than superclassing.