I'd like to autologin a user. When he puts in his credentials (username, password) the first time, it gets saved in the keychain. Now when the user restarts the app, he should get redirected to his account-information without seeing the login screen..
I guess I have to start this in AppDelegate, right?
Any idea? Thanks in advance.
To answer the question: if you want to auto-login with keychain data, use the free framework "SFHFKeychainUtils". It saves username, password and servicename in keychain. if you want to retrieve it, just save the username in NSUserDefaults and you can get the password with ease.
Here we go:
SiFi HiFi Framework: https://github.com/ldandersen/scifihifi-iphone/tree/master/security
SiFi Hifi Framework (ARC compatible): https://stackoverflow.com/a/10348964/1011125
How to use SFHFKeychainUtils: http://gorgando.com/blog/technology/iphone_development/simple-iphone-tutorial-password-management-using-the-keychain-by-using-sfhfkeychainutils