Search code examples

Integer via TempData @ C# ASP.NET MVC3 EntityFramework

I have this problem with probing integer from TempData as it sees DempData["sth"] as object, not as integer itself. Here is my Create method I'm sending my integer into the TempData:

public ActionResult Create(int CustomerId, int qSetId, int Count)
    qSet qset = db.qSets.Find(qSetId);
    TempData["qSetId"] = qset.Id;
    Customer customer = db.Customers.Find(CustomerId);
    TempData["CustomerId"] = customer.Id;
    List<Relation> relations = db.Relations.Where(r => r.qSetId.Equals(qSetId)).ToList<Relation>();
    Question question = new Question();
    List<Question> questions = new List<Question>();
    foreach (Relation relation in relations)
        question = db.Questions.Find(relation.QuestionId);
        if (questions.Contains<Question>(question).Equals(false))
    if (questions.Count<Question>().Equals(Count).Equals(false))
        TempData["QuestionId"] = questions[Count].Id;
        TempData["QuestionType"] = questions[Count].Type;
        ViewBag["QuestionContent"] = questions[Count].Content;
        TempData["Count"] = Count + 1;
        return View();
        return RedirectToAction("ThankYou");

And here is the other method, probing this data:

public ActionResult Create(Answer answer)
    answer.QuestionId = TempData["QuestionId"];
    answer.CustomerId = TempData["CustomerId"];

    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        return RedirectToAction("Create", new { CustomerId = TempData["CustomerId"], qSetId = TempData["qSetId"], Count = TempData["Count"] });

    ViewBag.CustomerId = new SelectList(db.Customers, "Id", "eAdress", answer.CustomerId);
    ViewBag.QuestionId = new SelectList(db.Questions, "Id", "Name", answer.QuestionId);
    return View(answer);

Errors are present at:

answer.QuestionId = TempData["QuestionId"];
answer.CustomerId = TempData["CustomerId"];

And go like this:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'object' to 'int'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

Any help?


  • The solution to this is called "unboxing". It's a straight cast from object to int:

    answer.QuestionId = (int)TempData["QuestionId"];