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how to get xml .text using c#

here is my xml file


      <Setting BrowserKind ="Firefox" ></Setting>   



this xml means nothing,it's an example. I just want to make some practice.

here are 3 thing i want to get:




I use xmldocument, but failed ,nothing I totally get.

how can I get them???


this is my test to get firefox

here is my code:

       XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument( );
       XmlDoc.Load(here I PLACE THE LOCATION OF FILE);
       XmlNodeList NodeLists = XmlDoc.SelectNodes("TEST/Setting");

        foreach (XmlNode OneNode in NodeLists)

            String StrAttrValue1 = OneNode.Attributes[" Browserkind "].Value;
            String StrAttrValue2 = OneNode.InnerText;


  • If switching to LINQ to XML is an option, rather than the older Xml API, I'd do it.

    var doc = XDocument.Parse(@"<TEST>
          <Setting BrowserKind =""Firefox"" ></Setting>   
    var result = (from test in doc.Elements("TEST")
                  select new { BrowserKind = test.Element("Setting").Attribute("BrowserKind").Value,
                               ExecuteUrl = test.Element("ExecuteUrl").Value,
                               CaseBox = test.Element("caseBox").Element("test1").Value });