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Pinning parallel process using UNix system calls

for i in `seq 1 8` ; do
    (./runProgram &)

Dear Fellows, I know how to create parallel processes by creating 8 independent processes, the next thing I am in search for is how to

i-Run 8 copies concurrently with processor pinning (each copy on is own processor core)

ii-Run 16 copies concurrently with processor pinning (2 copies per core)

iii-Run 8 copies concurrently with processor pinning as per “iii” and flipping processor core to the furthest core after a particular function call in the code.

Current configuration of my cpu is 8 is running Fedora OS. I dont know the process ids in advance.

please suggest.

Thanks in advance.


  • The easiest way to achieve i and ii is to use the taskset command:

    Case i:

    for i in `seq 0 7`; do
      taskset -c $i ./runProgram &

    Case ii:

    for i in `seq 0 7`; do
      taskset -c $i ./runProgram &
      taskset -c $i ./runProgram &

    Case iii: See the manual pages for sched_getaffinity(2) and sched_setaffinity(2) on how to change the pinning in code.