I'm using Ogre3D and PhysX.
When I load a terrain from an 8bit height map, it looks normal on Visual Debugger.
Look at first image: http://img44.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=44927650.jpg
But when I save the height map as a 16bit image, I get what you see on second image.
Here's the code, thats works normal with 8bit PNG:
mSceneMgr->setWorldGeometry("terrain.cfg" );
TerrainOptions mTerrainOptions = mTSM->getOptions();
//load heihgtmap
Image mImage;
mImage.load("isl_h_ph.png", ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().getWorldResourceGroupName()); //load image
//write image buffer to pOrigSrc
const uchar* pOrigSrc = mImage.getData();
const uchar* pSrc;
// image size to mPageSize
size_t mPageSize = mTerrainOptions.pageSize;
NxActorDesc ActorDesc;
//set number of segments
heightFieldDesc = new NxHeightFieldDesc;
heightFieldDesc->nbColumns = mPageSize;
heightFieldDesc->nbRows = mPageSize;
heightFieldDesc->verticalExtent = -1000;
heightFieldDesc->convexEdgeThreshold = 0;
heightFieldDesc->samples = new NxU32[mPageSize*mPageSize]; //constructor for every sample?
heightFieldDesc->sampleStride = sizeof(NxU32); //some sample step = number of samples
pSrc = pOrigSrc;
char* currentByte = (char*)heightFieldDesc->samples; //current sample mb?
for (NxU32 row = 0; row < mPageSize; row++)
for (NxU32 column = 0; column < mPageSize; column++) //cycle around samples
pSrc = pOrigSrc + column*mPageSize +row;
//NxReal s = NxReal(row) / NxReal(mPageSize);
//NxReal t = NxReal(column) / NxReal(mPageSize);
NxI16 height = (NxI32)(*pSrc++);
NxU32 matrixOffset = (row % gMatrixSize) * gMatrixSize + (column % gMatrixSize);
NxHeightFieldSample* currentSample = (NxHeightFieldSample*)currentByte;
currentSample->height = height;
currentSample->materialIndex0 = gMatrix[matrixOffset][1];
currentSample->materialIndex1 = gMatrix[matrixOffset][2];
currentSample->tessFlag = gMatrix[matrixOffset][0];
currentByte += heightFieldDesc->sampleStride;
heightField = mScene->getPhysicsSDK().createHeightField(*heightFieldDesc);
NxHeightFieldShapeDesc heightFieldShapeDesc;
heightFieldShapeDesc.heightField = heightField;
heightFieldShapeDesc.shapeFlags = NX_SF_FEATURE_INDICES | NX_SF_VISUALIZATION;
heightFieldShapeDesc.group = 1;
heightFieldShapeDesc.heightScale = 18.8f;//1 в Physx = 255 в огре
heightFieldShapeDesc.rowScale = mTerrainOptions.scale.x;
heightFieldShapeDesc.columnScale = mTerrainOptions.scale.z;
heightFieldShapeDesc.meshFlags = NX_MESH_SMOOTH_SPHERE_COLLISIONS;
heightFieldShapeDesc.materialIndexHighBits = 0;
heightFieldShapeDesc.holeMaterial = 2;
What should I change to get 16bit or higher image loaded working?
P.S.: Sorry for bad English
Your pOrigSrc is a uchar, which is 8 bits, so you're not getting the correct offset when you do this:
pSrc = pOrigSrc + column*mPageSize +row;
You can fix this by first grabbing the stride of your image before your loops, something like this:
int imageStride = mImage.getBPP() / 8;
and then multiply your calculated offset by the stride, something like this:
pSrc = pOrigSrc + (column*mPageSize +row)*imageStride;
That should allow you to use both 8-bit and 16-bit height maps. PhysX only supports 16-bit height maps, so you can't go higher than that.