I'm running into some deployment issues using Akka remoting to implement a small search application.
I want to deploy my ActorSystem on a set of local cluster machines to use them as workers, but I'm a bit confused for what to put into my application.conf to make this happen. For example, I can use:
akka.remote {
transport = "akka.remote.netty.NettyRemoteTransport"
netty {
hostname = ""
port = 2552
Each worker just runs the ActorSystem at startup.
This allows my worker machines to bind to their address when they start up, but then they refuse to listen to messages:
beaker-24: [ERROR] ... dropping message DaemonMsgWatch for non-local recipient akka://SearchService@beaker-24:2552/remote at akka://[email protected]:2552
The documentation I've found for this so far only discusses deployment on my localhost, which is not so useful :). I'm hoping there is a way to do this without generating a separate configuration for each host.
Using an empty string as the hostname allows for contacting the host via the normal IP address. Addressing using the hostname itself doesn't work at the moment.
Setting “” as host name will currently basically disable remoting, because that is not a legal IP to send to. Background: actor references get the configured IP (or host name) inserted in their address part when they leave the local system, and that is exactly their “pointer home” for other systems to send messages back.
There has been an effort by Scott which would enable a system to receive replies to a different address here, but that is not included yet—and we may well chose a different solution to this problem.