i done a bible application which uses core text for showing verses in a view...the txt came from locally stored sqlite db,,,i am using this core text wrapper for rendering my text,,,becz it support multi column view ,,core text warpper,,,but i need the selection of verse functionality...if the user tap the verse it need to select that particular verse,,if i have this verse 1 The God create Heave and earth . 2 etc etc,,, . 3 etc etc,,,, . when the user tap the first verse it need to select that verse and highlight that verse.....like the eBible app or ibook app...
Is there any example to show this kind of functionality in core text..Plz give me a link which might be helpful . Thabnks in advcance.
I do something similar in my Bible app (https://github.com/photokandyStudios/gbible). In particular, see https://github.com/photokandyStudios/gbible/blob/master/gbible/PKBibleViewController.m#L1301
Essentially I maintain a selection array, and when a user taps the verse (in my case a uitableviewcell), I add it to the array. I also color the background of the cell to reflect the selection.
It isn't word-perfect selection with the loupe, but for my purposes, good enough.