I am using VS 2008 (asp.net with c#)
and SQL Server 2005
Subject table:
create table subject
(subid varchar(10),
subname varchar(20))
sample data:
subid subname
1 subject1
2 subject2
3 subject3
=> it includes all the subjects' details in each row, for example:
Result table: Sampledata
studentid subid subname marks
1 1 subject1 12
1 2 subject2 23
1 3 subject3 22
1 4 subject4 20
I want something like this:
studentid subject1 subject2 subject3 subject4
1 12 23 22 20
So, I want to display each subject with its marks in column wise
If I create a static table like...
create table subject
(subject1 varchar(20),
subject2 varchar(20),
subject3 varchar(20))
NOTE: Then it's not possible because the subjects might change per semester (in subject table). That's why I want to create/edit/delete tables dynamically within an ASP.NET web form.
A couple of things. First, in the results table, the subject name is not necessary, and actually de-normalizes the database. Should be like this:
studentid subid marks
1 1 12
1 2 23
1 3 22
1 4 20
Now, to query:
SELECT s.subjname, r.studentid, r.marks
FROM subject s
INNER JOIN result r on s.subid = r.subid
To get the table you want, listing out each student's marks, use a pivot query like this:
SELECT studentid,
[Subject1], [Subject2], [Subject3], [Subject4]
(SELECT s.subjname, r.studentid, r.marks
FROM subject s
INNER JOIN result r on s.subid = r.subid
) AS SourceTable
FOR subjname IN ([Subject1], [Subject2], [Subject3], [Subject4])
) AS PivotTable;
You can make the pivot query dynamic as needed. Not necessary to construct dynamic tables on the fly.