I have a div that shows some text and is absolutely positioned on a page. While it is absolutely positioned the div is just large enough to show the text it contains. When I add an inline style to that div to change it to be relatively positioned, the width of the div suddenly expands to take up 100% of the page...
I used the Chrome dev tools to toggle the relative position on/off. Turning it off causes the width to be correct, turning it back on causes the div to expand. It is an inline style so there isn't any CSS class or selector that is changing the width on me.
I experience the same issue in Firefox. Removing position: relative
in Firebug causes the width to shrink back down to be just wide enough to fit the text.
If you want relative position DIV take his content width then you can give float
, display:inline
or display:inline-block
to your DIV