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How to give Android 3.2 same look as Android 2.2 application?

I have developed an Android application targeting Android 2.2 now I want to make it compatible with Android 3.2 I am facing the following interface differences between these two apps

  1. EditText background
  2. Tab host size; I gave fill_parent which work perfectly in Android 2.2 on all devices but in Android 3.2 it reduces its size to almost half of screen.
  3. Background color of Buttons are different
  4. Font size in Android 3.2 is smaller than Android 2.2 application.

etc ... etc

please help


  • For Android 3.2 use <resource>-sw600dp e.g drawable-sw600dp and values-sw600dp with combination of

    res/layout/main_activity.xml # For handsets (smaller than 600dp available width)

    res/layout-sw600dp/main_activity.xml # For 7” tablets (600dp wide and bigger)

    res/layout-sw720dp/main_activity.xml # For 10” tablets (720dp wide and bigger)

    Here is reference: Supporting Multiple Screens