I just set up ACRA for exception reporting on Android, and on my local simulator, I get this exception:
and here is my class:
package com.problemio;
import android.app.Application;
import org.acra.*;
import org.acra.annotation.*;
@ReportsCrashes(formKey = "...")
public class MyApplication extends Application
public void onCreate()
// The following line triggers the initialization of ACRA
How should I change the code to make it right? Thanks!!!
Making my comment an answer, because it solved the issue:
Such spread sheet does not exist, or at least when I point my browser to this address (https://spreadsheets.google.com/formResponse?formkey=0AteWveJtbl4GdDA2WWsyRE5NbEtJM2hmbmd5NVhxM3c&ifq
) it says so. Make sure you have the form key entered correctly.