I'm trying to load a node (in string format) into a XElement. Although this should be easy enough i'm finding some problems:
or Xelement.Parse()
I get the expected not defined namespace errorI know the solution is to create a surrounding node with the namespace definitions and then load the whole thing, but I was wondering if there is a more elegant solution that doesn't involve string operations.
Here's my failed attempt :(
I have a collection of namespace attributes:
private readonly List<XAttribute> _namespaces;
This is already populated and contains all the necesary namespaces. So, to embed my XML string into another node I was doing this:
var temp = new XElement("root", (from ns in _namespaces select ns), MyXMLString);
But as I expected as well, the content of MyXMLString gets escaped and becomes a text node. The result I get is something like:
<root xmlns:mynamespace="http://mynamespace.com"><mynamespace:node>node text</node></root>
And the result I'm looking for is:
<root xmlns:mynamespace="http://mynamespace.com">
<mynamespace:node>node text</node>
Is there a neat way to do this?
Thanks in advance
Presumably your XML text is actually well formed (note the namespace qualifier on the closing tag):
var xml = "<mynamespace:node>node text</mynamespace:node>";
In which case you can use this to manually specify the namespaces:
var mngr = new XmlNamespaceManager( new NameTable() );
mngr.AddNamespace( "mynamespace", "urn:ignore" ); // or proper URL
var parserContext = new XmlParserContext(null, mngr, null, XmlSpace.None, null);
Now read and load:
var txtReader = new XmlTextReader( xml, XmlNodeType.Element, parserContext );
var ele = XElement.Load( txtReader );
Works as expected. And you don't need a wrapper 'root' node. Now this can be inserted into any as an XElement