I have this Time Series function with Mat Lab:
function y = time(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)
x = [a b c d e f g h i j k l];
ts1 = timeseries(x,1:12);
ts1.Name = 'Monthly Count';
ts1.TimeInfo.Units = 'months';
ts1.TimeInfo.Format = 'mmm dd, yy';
I have deployed it as a C# library. Now how can I call the function 'time' and pass the parameters?
Thanks for your help
The C# library generated will be called something based on your MATLAB compiler project settings - let's say it's MyMatLabLib.dll. Once you have included MyMatLabLib.dll to your .NET project, you should be able to use it like this:
using MyMatLabLib;
public class MatLabWrapper
public MatLabWrapper()
var ml = new MyMatLab();
ml.time( /* pass in MWArrays as parameters */ )