I am using a drop down server control that is databound to a data source, but I would also like to have a default value ("Select a program") that is hard-coded as the first item of the list.
/// <summary>
/// Page Load
/// </summary>
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ddPrograms.DataSource = Programs.SelectProgramID(1);
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddPrograms" runat="server" DataValueField="ProgramID" DataTextField="Name" AutoPostBack="true">
<asp:ListItem Text="Select a program" Value="0" Selected="True"></asp:ListItem>
Try setting AppendDataBoundItems="true"
on the DropDownList.
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddPrograms" runat="server" DataValueField="ProgramID" DataTextField="Name" AutoPostBack="true" AppendDataBoundItems="true">
<asp:ListItem Text="Select a program" Value="0" Selected="True"></asp:ListItem>