RubyMotion provides these instructions for vendoring 3rd party code:
I'm trying to add's iOS SDK. These are the instructions for adding it to an XCode project: However, I'm not using XCode since I'm working with RubyMotion.
I documented my attempt here:
And here are the errors I'm getting:
I believe we're actually dealing with a static library here, so I believe you should specify :static instead of :Xcode as the second option.
With the following code in your Rakefile, the app compiles:
app.libs << '/usr/lib/libz.1.1.3.dylib'
app.frameworks += [
app.vendor_project('vendor/Parse.framework', :static,
:products => ['Parse'],
:headers_dir => 'Heiders')
However, I'm getting the following error running the Parse setApplicationId method:
(main)>> Objective-C stub for message `setApplicationId:clientKey:' type `v@:@@' not precompiled. Make sure you properly link with the framework or library that defines this message.