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Pass parameter in setting attribute on association in FactoryGirl

I want to pass a parameter into a factory that will be used to set the attribute on an associated model. The associated model is created within the factory.

I have a Transaction model with a many-to-many link to itself through a join table TxLink. I want to call link = FactoryGirl.create(:link_red_to_sub, sub: 10, red: 7) which will create two Transaction objects and a TxLink that links the two.

I get an error in the association line below because of the units: sub at the end. The error is "trait not defined". I tried units: { sub } (with brackets) instead but no dice.

factory :tx_link do
    units "9.99"

    factory :link_red_to_sub do
      ignore do
        sub 0
        red 0
      units { red }

      association :giver, factory: :transaction, units: sub
      association :taker, factory: :redemption, units: red


  • The association helper in factory_girl can't take dynamic property arguments, but you can use a dynamic attribute to instantiate the association however you want:

    factory :tx_link do
      units "9.99"
      factory :link_red_to_sub do
        transient do
          sub 0
          red 0
        units { red }
        giver { create(:transaction, units: sub) }
        taker { create(:redemption, units: red) }

    The only downside of this is that the giver and taker associations will use the create strategy regardless of what strategy you're building tx_link with, which essentially means that attributes_for and build_stubbed won't work correctly for the tx_link factory.

    The example I provided requires version 4.5.0.