I recently got a Site Template approved on Themeforest. I am getting just too much traffic on my site and noticed that my demo on Themeforest is getting ripped by some softwares such as HTTrack. If it continues sales on the item may decrease eventually.
So, is there ANYWAY to stop those users ripping the demo?
FYI, I am not using any kind of VPS or personal server. I just hosted my files on a shared hosting.
I would be glad if anyone helps me in this problem.
No, there is nothing you can do about this. If you have a demo you need to protect, watermark it. However, watermarks can be removed, and someone may think the watermark is in the actual product.
I would use something like TinEye.com and look for unlicensed usage of your images on a monthly basis. You can go after people stealing your work.