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Matplotlib uses broken pdfmarks in latex

I have a really weird problem:

plt.axvspan(spanStart, spanStop, facecolor='0.9', alpha=1,edgecolor='0.9',lw=0)
plt.annotate('11ms',fontsize='9', xy=(11, -500),xytext=(2, -500),verticalalignment='center',arrowprops=myarrow)
plt.annotate('13ms',fontsize='9', xy=(13, 1000),xytext=(2, 1000),verticalalignment='center',arrowprops=myarrow)
plt.annotate('17ms',fontsize='9', xy=(17, -500),xytext=(20, -500),verticalalignment='center',arrowprops=myarrow)
plt.savefig(imagePath + "snapAHVjoints.pdf")
plt.savefig(imagePath + "snapAHVjoints.svg")

generates a nice looking picture. But plt.axvline(x=span2Stop,lw='0.3',c='0.5') causes a broken pdfmark in the exported pdf if included in latex as a pdf. I spent ages to find that.

Compiled with xelatex to pdf. The problem does not seem to be related to the loaded packages (to be honest I didn't try to to disable hyperref but tested almost all options I found).

Any Idea what's wrong with that?


  • lw='0.3' should be lw=0.3 Nevertheless, no broken pdf should be exported. If you export it as eps matplotlib complains, so I recognized it that way

    Is that a bug or am I again getting wrong soem pythonic things?