For example, if I do this in shell
> { name: "fibonacci", arr: [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21] } )
Then i want to get arr
in my c++ program.
After i got BSONObj i can get name
std::string name = p.getStringField("name");
where p
is a BSON object.
But what is the right way to get elements from array and save them into std::vector?
After some more research i found BSONElement doxygen documentation and made this.
std::vector<int> arr;
std::vector<BSONElement> v = p.getField("arr").Array();
for(std::vector<BSONElement>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it)
But im still not sure if it is the right way.
Two other ways:
// this way is easy but requires exact type match (no int64->int32 conversion)
std::vector<int> ints;
p.getObjectField("arr").vals(ints); // skips non int values
p.getObjectField("arr").Vals(ints); // asserts on non int values
// this way is more common and does the conversion between numeric types
vector<int> v;
BSONObjIterator fields (p.getObjectField("arr"));
while(fields.more()) {
//same as above but using BSONForEach macro
BSONForEach(e, p.getObjectField("arr")) {
Alternatively, you could just leave the output as a vector<BSONElement>
and use them directly, but then you will need to be sure that the BSONObj will outlive the vector.