I am trying to delete then add a pageFooter to an xml document from a different file:
XNamespace rep = "http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/report/8.0/";
//remove pageFooter
doc.Root.Descendants().Where(e=>e.Name == rep + "pageFooter").Remove();
//create and load pagefooter from file
XElement pageFooter = XElement.Load(@"C:\pageFooter.xml");
and I am getting the empty namespace:
<pageFooter xmlns="">
I tried all of the following to add the namespace to the new element, nothing works:
XElement pagefooter = new XElement(rep+"pageFooter");
pageFooter = XElement.Load(@"C:\pageFooter.xml");
//this has no effect
pageFooter.Name = rep.GetName(pageFooter.Name.LocalName);
//this moves the xmlns="" to the next descendant, <contents>
//this has no effect
pageFooter.SetAttributeValue("xmlns", rep);
//this results an empty pageFooter
Any ideas? Thanks!!
You were on the right track with your second effort listed. The moving of xmlns=""
to the next descendant means that pageFooter
had the right xmlns, but the rest of its descendants didn't. Use this:
foreach (var d in pagefooter.DescendantsAndSelf())
d.Name = rep + d.Name.LocalName;