As we all know R isn't the most efficient platform to run large analyses. If I had a large data frame containing three parameters:
A 1 2
A 2 2
A 2 3
B 1 1
B 2 3
B 1 4
millions of rows
and I wanted to run a computation on each group (e.g. compute Pearson's r on X,Y) and store the results in a new data frame, I can do it like this:
df = loadDataFrameFrom( someFile )
results = data.frame()
for ( g in unique( df$GROUP)) ){
gdf <- subset( df, df$GROUP == g )
partialRes <- slowStuff( gdf$X,gdf$Y )
results = rbind( results, data.frame( GROUP = g, RES = partialRes ) )
// results contains all the results here.
The obvious problem is that this is VERY slow, even on powerful multi-core machine.
My question is: is it possible to parallelise this computation, having for example a separate thread for each group or a block of groups? Is there a clean R pattern to solve this simple divide et impera problem?
Thanks, Mulone
First off, R is not necessarily slow. Its speed depends largely on using it correctly, just like any language. There are a few things that can speed up your code without altering much: preallocate your results
data.frame before you begin; use a list and matrix or vector construct instead of a data.frame; switch to use data.table
; the list goes on, but The R Inferno is an excellent place to start.
Also, take a look here. It provides a good summary on how to take advantage of multi-core machines.
The "clean R pattern" was succinctly solved by Hadley Wickam with his plyr
package and specifically ddply
ddply(df, .(GROUP), your.function, .parallel=TRUE)
However, it is not necessarily fast. You can use something like:
mclapply(unique(df$GRUOP), function(x, df) ...)
Or finally, you can use the foreach
foreach(g = unique(df$Group), ...) %dopar$ {