I'm reading Reference Guide::Create Your Project. And it's written there:
In order to create your project, you must first download and extract Zend Framework.
After you have installed Zend Server, the Framework files may be found under C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendServer\share\ZendFramework on Windows. The include_path will already be configured to include Zend Framework.
I didn't download Zend Framework or installed Zend Server (I have XAMPP
installed with Apache
and have localhost
and can load php files in browser. I don't need any more server, I think). I just downloaded and instaled Zend Studio 9 and after the instalation I went this way:
File --> New --> Example...
and chose Zend Framework Example Project
and named my project "zend_project_example"
Then it was written that somthing was being instaled and it took quite a long time. Then I got this tree in the PHP Explore
folder. And I even opened the Controller code from Zend Framework Library:
So it seems I have ZF, but I don't have anything in:
C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendServer\share\ZendFramework.
In fact I only have Zend Studio 9 folder threre: C:\Program Files\Zend\Zend Studio 9.0.2.
No any \ZendServer\share\ZendFramework
And in the Reference it is written:
Open a terminal (in Windows, Start -> Run, and then use cmd). Navigate to a directory where you would like to start a project. Then, use the path to the appropriate script, and execute one of the following:
% zf create project quickstart
I doesn't work for me. I can't do any steps farther in the Reference Guide. What should I have to solve and what should I have to do next to follow the Referance right way?
Thank you.
Zend Studio is just an IDE - an environment which is supposed to make developer's life easier. You need a server to run your projects on localhost. You quoted
After you have installed Zend Server,
and you wrote
I didn't download Zend Framework or installed Zend Server,
You can't expect the tutprail to work if you don't do what it says.