I am designing a website using the psd provided. I am using same fonts(lanenar font) in psd and in website(convert using cufon tool) but the website fonts is very thin as compared to the font in psd.(Cufon is successfully applied but result is not same) The size of font is same and even I am using the font-style bold. so I needs to know the problem so that I can solve it.
here is my webdesign :http://designs.digitaldreamstech.com/motto/index.php/pages/details?albumId=1
image is http://designs.digitaldreamstech.com/motto/images/Gallery.jpg
Please check menu only as I have applied cufon in menu part only.
Here is what I have done
1) convert the font using cufon convertor tool http://cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/
2) applied using cufon-yu.js and the font js file generated
do you think it the problem related to conversion.? Thanks for your help
please provide more information. browser etc, system you are working on (mac/ubuntu antialias fonts in browser) etc...
By the way, Photoshop and Webfonts are not exactly compareable. Even if they are using the same .ttf