May I use CDN for whole website (PHP, Apache, MySQL) or just for images and CSS, JS files?
What's the best choice > cloud-hosting or dedicated-hosting? Does CDN has that support?
Witch hosting you suggest me the best - the fastest, stablest 100% uptime, CDN, not expensive at all?
CDN hosting is purely for static content only - it is never advised to host a dynamic application on CDN.
CDN is a content delivery network - your hosting company has edge servers on various locations across the globe. Job of these edge servers is to cache your content and deliver to your clients. If edge server doesn't have cached your content, they pull these content from the source server and deliver to your visitor. If they have cached copy, they deliver that immediately. This cache is usually refreshed every 12 hours - it varies host by host.
Since edge servers deliver cached copy, it is never advised to host dynamic websites on CDN Hosting.
What's the best choice? cloud-hosting or dedicated-hosting? Does CDN has that support?
Cloud hosting is superior by infrastructure. It has redundant array of disk drives and processors. You will enjoy almost 100% uptime on Cloud hosting.
Witch hosting you suggest me the best - the fastest, stablest 100% uptime, CDN, not expensive at all?
Answer: From my professional experience, CDN hosting is the fastest, Cloud hosting is stable and 100% uptime and VPS Hosting is not expensive. If you want to make a choice of of these three, Cloud hosting is stable and cost-effective.