I have general question regarding using remoteFunction. I am using the like
i am making call to controller. I want to update a textbox based on the object from controller.
<g:fieldValue bean="${ProfileDomainInstance}" field="profileDescription" id="profileDescription"/>
how can i return profileDoaminInstance object from controller so that i can use that in my GSP.profilenames are comin from different object . I tried to send it as regular model.
def getProfileDescription(){
println("came here")
how can i send this object to gsp. I also tried to render the view. It was still not working.
create template for your profileDescription and use render on your controller to render it
so your code will be something like this
def getProfileDescription(){
println("came here")
render(template:"/profileDescriptionTemplate", model:[ProfileDomainInstance:ProfileDomainInstance ] )
<div id='divForprofileDescription'>
<g:render template="profileDescriptionTemplate" model="['ProfileDomainInstance':ProfileDomainInstance]" />
<g:select from='${ProfileList?.profileName}' name= 'ProfileSelect' id='ProfileSelect' noSelection="['null':' SELECT Profile']" disabled="true" onChange="${remoteFunction(action:'getProfileDescription', params: '\'profileName=\' + this.value',update:[success:'divForprofileDescription'])}