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convert sql to linq

I am trying to implement a Filter by Date on my hotel reservation project.

Could somebody help me please to convert this sql code to linq .

FROM Room r LEFT JOIN Reservation v ON r.RoomID = v.RoomID
AND NOT (@StartDate >= Date_Check_Out OR @EndDate <= Date_Check_In)
AND v.cancel = 0
WHERE v.ReservationID IS NULL


  • One of good tool to convert SQL to Linq : Linqer

    Try out this query

    var q = (from r in Room 
                join v in Reservation on r.RoomID equals v.RoomID  into outer
                from o in outer.DefaultIfEmpty()
                where !(o.Date_Check_Out<= startdate || o.Date_Check_In>=endDate)
                      && v.cancel == 0 && v.ReservationID == null 
                select r);

    Also check this :

    See SQL to LINQ Tool existing thread.

    If you decide to do it by hand, Linqpad should be useful.

    You also like to see : SQL to LINQ ( Visual Representation ) some good exaple by graphical representation...