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How overloaded postfix operator works?

I have the following code:

class  Array
       int aaa;
      void print()
          cout << aaa << endl;

      Array& operator++()
          return *this;
      Array operator++(int)
          Array a(*this);
          return a;

I have some questions as follows:

  1. why prefix returns a reference and postfix returns an object? In the book C++ Primer, the author only explained "For consistency with the built-in operators".

  2. Then, I tested the code:

    Array ar;

        (ar++).print(); // print 1
        ar.print(); // print 2

the output is exactly what I expected. Now I changed the code in the overloading postfix function as:

Array operator++(int)
     Array a(*this);; // changed this
     return a;

I called the test code:

Array ar;
(ar++).print(); // this prints 2
ar.print(); // this prints 1

Why I got such results?


    1. The postfix operator returns an object, not a reference, because it has to return an unchanged version of the current object; it has to return the value before the increment is done. Therefore a new object must be allocated. If you returned a reference, what would it be a reference to?

    2. In your second example, you're creating a new object, incrementing it, and returning it, but you're not changing the original object that the operator was applied to -- this is clearly wrong, so gives wrong results.