I used to be able to see my iOS app and access the app bundle from the Organizer window, by selecting my iPhone and selecting Applications. I would then see my apps listed, along with any other ad-hoc apps. For some reason, my app dropped off the list, and I can't figure out how to get it back. I suspect this has to do with having submitted the app to the app store, and a possible change to the signing, and thus the subsequent non-release (debug) versions aren't appearing as being adhoc. I have screenshots of where I expect to find my app, below.
Can anyone shed some light as to what I need to do to be able to access my app bundle again? I also suspect that this is the same reason I can no longer use Instruments to performance test my app.
Apple DTS responded to my bug report. I had to reinstall Xcode and then I could access my app bundle again.