I've got a table with repeating IDs which I will fix later. Basically I want to return all the rows where the ID is distinct, but I want the ENTIRE row. Something like:
select * from table group by ID
select * from table where (ID is not repeated)
In this case, they are identical rows, so I don't care if it's First or Last, Min or Max.
Note that I DON"T want to do this:
select MIN(col1), MIN(col2), ... from table group by ID
I want a way to get this result without enumerating every column.
Edit: I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2.
If you are using MySql, do this:
from tbl
group by ID
MySQL live test: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!2/8c7fd/2
If you are using Postgresql, do this:
select distinct on(id)
from tbl
order by id
If you want Postgresql DISTINCT ON be at least as predictable as CTE windowing function. Sort another column:
select distinct on(id)
from tbl
order by id
, someColumnHere -- Choose ASC for first row, DESC for last row
Postgresql live test: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!1/8c7fd/1
If you are using CTE windowing-capable database (e.g. Postgres, Oracle, Sql Server), use this:
with ranked as
rank() over(partition by id order by column) rn,
from tbl
select * from ranked where rn = 1
CTE windowing-capable databases:
Posgtresql: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!1/8c7fd/2
Oracle: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!4/b5cf9/1
Sql Server: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!3/8c7fd/3