I have menus created with Glade in my gtk2hs application. Is it possible to use this in my Haskell code to write actions for each activated menu item? Is there a simple example somewhere or project on Hackage that can be used as an illustrative example?
The only menu example I was able to find http://www.muitovar.com/gtk2hs/chap7-1.html does not seem to help to work with Gtk Builder XML.
Here two examples from an application of mine. In main, I bind the GTK widgets to variables and those to callback functions that I implement in other modules.
--To load the Glade file:
gui <- builderNew
builderAddFromFile gui "myGUI.glade"
-- To close the application:
-- bind the window "mainWindow" (defined in the Glade file) to a variable
mainWindow <- builderGetObject gui castToWindow "mainWindow"
-- bind the menu item "menu_Quit" (defined in the Glade file) to a variable
mQuit <- builderGetObject gui castToMenuItem "menu_Quit"
-- bind the menu item to the GTK function "widgetDestroy"
on mQuit menuItemActivate $ widgetDestroy mainWindow
-- bind mainWindow's event "objectDestroy" to the GTK function "mainQuit"
on mainWindow objectDestroy mainQuit
-- To call a function when the user selects another menu item, say "menu_About":
-- bind the menu item to a variable
mAbout <- builderGetObject gui castToMenuItem "menu_About"
-- make the menu item show the About Dialog (defined in the Glade file)
on mAbout menuItemActivate $ do
aboutDialog <- builderGetObject gui castToDialog "aboutDialog"
set aboutDialog [ widgetVisible := True ]
dialogRun aboutDialog
set aboutDialog [ widgetVisible := False ]
You could place the do block in a function, maybe in a module where you define all your responses to GTK events:
showAboutDialog :: Builder -> IO ()
showAboutDialog gui = [insert do block here]
Then you could substitute the do block after menuItemActivate with just:
on mAbout menuItemActivate $ showAboutDialog gui
Note that I pass the Builder object to showAboutDialog because that function needs to get the dialog from the Glade file.