I want execute a BPEL file using Intalio server, have you an idea how can we upload or set this BPEL file in server, or directly in ODE ?
a second question please, i have with this BPEL a wsdl file and i think it's not necessary for upload it with the bpel file and it's used just for call this service from another... is it right what i'm saying?
Intalio BPMS uses a custom deployment component, which interferes with ODE's standard hot-deployment. Although it might be possible to manually deploy a BPEL process bundle to ODE, it is very likely that the Intalio|BPMS deployment component will complain about unknown deployments.
Regarding your second question, a minial BPEL process is accompanied with at least one WSDL (that describes the service interface that the process model exposes) and a deploy.xml (which is the ODE specific deployment descriptor). In case your process is orchestrating 3rd party services, those WSDLs need to be part of the bundle as well.