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A PHP Error using Factual

I am using Codeigniter as my PHP framework. When I run the factual API I get results but there are PHP warnings.

Severity: Warning 

Message: include(/home/bwilson/public_html/factual/CI_DB.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory 

Filename: factual/Factual.php 

Line Number: 217 

Severity: Warning 

Message: include(): Failed opening '/home/bwilson/public_html/factual/CI_DB.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') 

Filename: factual/Factual.php 

Line Number: 217 

I a look at line 217 in the factual.php file and it reads:

include dirname(__FILE__)."/".$className . ".php"; 

What is the referring to? I have tested this without running the Factual API and the controllers load find. It is only when I start using the Factual API.

This is the reply I received from Factual:

The driver employs an SPL Autoload function to include files for unloaded classes dynamically.

Here, the class CI_DB -- a Codeigniter class, not Factual -- is being called without being loaded first. This triggers our autoload feature in a final attempt to load the file.

In short: this is not a Factual driver issue; to solve, ensure the file containing the CI_DB class is loaded properly.


  • After looking for into the error returns unsupported modules. I just disabled the error reporting in the index.php file by setting error reporting to production. In the mean time I am okay with it as long as my results are the same.

    Thank you everyone that contributed.