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ExtJs Set Parameters Values

I have a form with some controls (extJs and ASP) like this:

<ext:ComboBox ID="Countries" runat="server" .../>
<asp:CheckBox ID="cb1" runat="server" />

I want to send parameters using BaseParams of the store object:

<ext:Parameter Name="cid" Value="Ext.get('#{Countries}').getValue()" />
<ext:Parameter Name="cbv" Value="#{cb1}.dom.checked" />

and that became:

Ext.apply( options.params,{

as you see get the value from ASP.Net checkbox is simpler than extJs Combobox... Do you know other clean way to get the combobox value?


  • I found it... Just like this:

    <ext:ComboBox ...>
            <Select Handler=" #{myStore}.reload({ params: {cid: this.value}});" />