I am using Apache Tiles 2 in my Spring 3 MVC application,the layout is : a menu on the left and body on the right.
<td height="250"><tiles:insertAttribute name="menu" /></td>
<td width="350"><tiles:insertAttribute name="body" /></td>
<li><a href="account.html">account</a></li>
<li><a href="history.html">history</a></li></ul></div>
body of history.jsp
<c:forEach var="history" items="${histories}"><p><c:out value="${history}"></c:out></p></c:forEach>
I also have a controller for history
public class HistoryController {
public ModelAndView showHistory() {
ArrayList <String> histories = read from DB.
return new ModelAndView("history","histories",histories);
So, everytime when I click the history link at the menu, the showHistory() is called.
But there is a more complicate case. The history DB has hundreds entries, so we decide to display the first 10 only when history.jsp displays first time, then add a "show more histories" button to the history.jsp to display the next 10 by we adding another controller.
The problem is, when a user does the following:
How can I make the history.jsp to display the last visited histories instead of display from the beginning.
I am very new to Spring, all suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
What you would do is store in the session the last requested range. If the user does not specify a range (in the request) you use the session stored on.
Something like this
public ModelAndView showHistory(@RequestParam(value="startIndex", defaultValue="-1") Integer startIndex, HttpSession session) {
Integer start = Integer.valueOf(0);
if (startIndex == null || startIndex.intValue() < 0) {
// get from session
Integer sessionStartIndex = (Integer) session.getAttribute("startIndex");
if (sessionStartIndex != null) {
start = sessionStartIndex;
} else {
start = startIndex;
session.setAttribute("startIndex", start);
ArrayList <String> histories = read from DB, starting with start.
return new ModelAndView("history","histories",histories);