I using Hibernate 3.6 Final, Guice-persist and JPA2.
So good, I have everything configured, and my bean has a @Version private Long version;
, with getter and setter.
I have implemented equals and hashcode with all the fields.
My dao save method is :
public void save(Product p){ em.persist(p); }
But, if I do something like:
Product p = new Product("name"); //id=null, version=null
dao.save(p); //works, id!=null, version=0
Product p2 = new Produto(10, 0, "other name"); //id, version, name
dao.save(p2); //works, but the version isnt updated, so my version still 0
Then, if I change the name and try to save again, I got a "StaleObjectstateException row was updated or deleted by ..."...
I like to know what am I have to do to make entity manager update the version when save the object... and why persist didn't do this.
Thanks in advance.
I solve this problem this way:
public void persist(B bean) {
public B update(B bean) {
bean = em.merge(bean);
return bean;
Then I just call the save method and this method know what it have to do:
public B save(B bean) {
if (bean == null || bean.getId() == null) {
} else {
bean = update(bean);
return bean;