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How to symbolicate PLCrashReports for OS X Apps

I've added PLCrashReporter to my OS X application and am successfully saving the crash dumps to a server. However, plcrashutil does not appear to symbolicate even with the .app and .dSYM in the same directory as both plcrashutil and the crash file.

I also tried following the instructions in TN 2123 for using gdb to get the address and it fails to give a source line for the symbols reported in the crash file.


  • plcrashutil does not symbolicate, it just creates a crash file in the standard format. You'll need to use from Xcode to symbolicate the report.

    There is a patched version of, which fixes a few bugs, available here:

    Please note, that PLCrashReporter currently does not work correctly on Intel 64Bit architecture!

    But a new version with support for 64Bit is being worked on from the PLCrashReporter developers in cooperation with HockeyApp. See and