I use this rule in my model:
def to_param
and in my helper:
def articles_menu
menu = '<ul>'
Article.all.each do |article|
menu += '<li>'
menu += link_to "#{article.name}", article
menu += '</li>'
menu += '</ul>'
return menu.html_safe
but when I'll go to the /articles/my-new-flat
, I'll get the error
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in ArticlesController#show
Couldn't find Article with id=my-new-flat
Missing I something else yet or is any problem in my app? I though for parameterizing of the name is needed only set up in the model the rule...
Use FriendlyId gem it has all what you need, here is the link https://github.com/norman/friendly_id/blob/master/README.md
Problem with your code is that rails under the hub is trying to query your model by "id" attribute, it is not querying "name" attribute. FriendlyId gem patches this for models you want